Inquiring about adopting a Puppy? Contact Sandi the Shiba Specialist : (360) 929-4213
Serious about a Shiba? Fill out the Adoption Form Below.
FullName (required)
Your Email (required)
Occupation (required)
Phone Number
Best time to Call
How many adults in your family household and your relationships?:
How many children in your household?:
What type of home do you live in? (Single Family, Town Home, Apartment, Farm..etc):
Please describe your household:
Do you have any other pets? Please list all details:
Desired Age:
Male or Female?:
Where will the dog spend the day and night? Please be detailed:
Number of hours on average the dog will be alone:
What is your budget?:
Do you have a fenced yard?:
Please tell me your story. Why do you feel a Shiba is best for you?